Friday, April 3, 2009

The Purpose of this Blog

One tale is good till another is told. He that speaks first will be sure to tell a straight story, and relate that only which makes for him, and put the best colour he can upon it, so that his cause shall appear good, whether it really be so or not. - Matthew Henry

As the McDonald family’s ministry has expanded over the years, so too has the opposition against it. Though all Christians should expect the slings and arrows of the Enemy, when the attack comes from those who claim the name of Christ it is particularly disturbing. This blog was created to bring truth to an unfortunate situation concerning the mischaracterization of James McDonald, former publisher of Homeschooling Today magazine, his wife, Stacy McDonald, and their family. It is indeed very sad that this blog is even necessary. However, since the obsessed behavior of just a few individuals continues to soil the reputation of the Church, as well as that of the McDonald family, and because of the multiplying nature of the Internet, James and Stacy have finally decided to speak out.

A small group of individuals have taken a peculiar interest in publicly misrepresenting the McDonald family and their beliefs for over two years. The online attacks against James and Stacy McDonald began in 2007 with what seemed like a mere difference in opinion over the biblical interpretation concerning the roles of men and women in the family and in the church. However, the obsessive nature of the online assaults have since escalated into the seemingly united effort of at least four individuals to aggressively question and discredit the character, integrity, motives, and Christian testimony of James and Stacy McDonald.

"He who conceals his hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool." Proverbs 10:18

While this situation has been very hurtful to the McDonald family, they acknowledge that their fight is not against flesh and blood, but it is against “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Please pray fervently for those who have set themselves up against other Believers, causing division and strife in Christ’s church. While the McDonalds have openly shared their lives with others, and desire to do so here as well, this should not be used as an occasion for ungracious speculation or an opportunity to ravage their privacy.

And please pray for the McDonalds – that they would fully proclaim the truth without being enticed into the fray, or even slip into gossip themselves. Please pray they would stay focused and faithful to what God has called them to do.

"Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; and where there is no talebearer, strife ceases." (Proverbs 26:20, NKJV)

It is significant to note that the individual who has done the most to misrepresent and mischaracterize the McDonalds has also admitted to doing a background check on James McDonald, contacting old personal friends of the McDonald family, hunting down old debts of the LLC of which the McDonalds are members, and even interviewing past disgruntled employees of Homeschooling Today (a magazine the McDonalds used to publish) – all in an attempt to discredit the McDonalds’ character and ministry.

By grossly misrepresenting the facts, and hunting down only “one side” of any story from anyone who dislikes the McDonalds, this individual’s highest goal is to “expose” how “unqualified” James and Stacy are to minister to other Christians.

If you have any questions about who the McDonalds are or what they believe, go straight to the source—give them a call. Their church number is 309-387-2600.

[The dates of the posts on this blog have been modified to create a readable documentary of the events.]